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Brown girls unite! The powerful event that inspired....

So who are four brown girls? That is definitely what I was scratching my head trying to figure out, not even the almighty Google knew. A month ago I had received an invite to go to an event created by “four brown girls’ to an event that they were organizing call “brown beauties brunching”. After reading into what the aim of the event was I decided why not? Being a recent graduate i saw this as an opportunity, not only was i going to be surrounded by women like me who have a passion and desire to be successful but It was going to be among beautiful, drive hungry black women. What better way to celebrate black history month! I figured it was wonderful opportunity to try my hand at networking. I can say at first I didn’t know what to expect, but nevertheless I was excited for the unknown. I had a good feeling about this event, and I was definitely far from disappointment.

From the food to the drinks to the discussion and networking everything was well planned and well throughout. A room filled with women young and old talking amongst one another and learning from each other. Whether it was women trying to network with other women, women trying to connect with other women or female entrepreneur just trying to get their names and businesses out there.

I was blown away at how well it was organized. I really enjoyed the panelist discussion. The topics that were covered really made you reflect as a woman of color. What was the message? The message was simple go for your dreams you may not get there right away after all you will be faced with many challenges and at times it will get hard, but if you persist and learn from those falls and re-adjust then wit much perseverance you will attain your goal.

The panelist that were present were : Maya Johnson from CTV news, Danielle Otou owner of the online site Female Department, Dr Tamara Garfoor emergency physician at the Montreal Children hospital , Mrs Sharon Nelson Assistant Director of the executive MBA program at Concordia University. Finally the owner of one of Montreal’s popular hair and beauty salon Secrete d’Achaia, Madame Achaea Saget . Each one of them shared their stories as to how they got to where they are at now and shared their experiences as well as words of encouragement.


I personally feel like this event is what we need especially in the black community, we are living in a society where there is a lot of female bashing and a majority of the time its female bashing other females ( don’t believe me turn on your TV ) so its nice to see some women coming together to encourage and uplift one another . The event really gathered the essence of ‘Girl power’ ( one I haven’t seen since the spice girls) It was nice to see so many women show up to the event to feed off each other, but more importantly to inspire them to aspire.

Verdict? I thoroughly enjoyed this event from the topics that were covers the stories or trial and tribulation. Four brown girls nailed this event. They have definitely set the bar high, I will definitely be going to any of their future events.


If you’re in the Montreal area add them on facebook : you can also add them on Instagram at Fourbrowngirls

Want to look flawless for a special even check out Secrete d’Achaia at or on Instagram lesecretdachaia


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