New Years Resolutions: and why I didn't make one

It seems like every year everyone is making a new years resolution. For many of us, its to get that beach body ready just in time for summer, for others its about saving enough money, for that car you've been eyeing for years. What ever it is we all fall victim of the "New year new me" and come up with goals for the year. I wont lie, I was one of those individuals, who would created a resolution year after year, and every year it was the same resolution. Get fit, tone up, eat less fast food and eat more healthy foods. By the end of January all that talk about living a healthy life was completely out the window. And like millions I would put so much money into workout gear and gym subscriptions and never follow up on it. I am not alone millions will have done the same but according to Forbes only 8% of us will actually sucessfully live up to our New Years Resolution. If you ask me thats a pretty low percentage but I am not to surprised by it all. We start off with good intentions but then lazyness or procrasitinations sets in and then excuses like "oh ill start Monday" start. Monday will have come and gone, you will keep pushing it even further and further. The next thing you know its December 31 and nothing was done towards that resolution you had for the whole year.
I do think setting goals is great and everyone should strive to attain it but new years resolution not so much. Why? Because these are goals for the year. It sucks when it comes to the end of the year and you didnt even loose the weight like you said or bought that car you've always wanted.
Why not make this a goal that you aim to attain for not just for the year but just one that has no time limit . So instead of trying to loose weight for 2016 why not just loose weight period. Do it to be health conscious, or to set an example for your children but dont make this a year end goal.
Why not create a buckelist instead that way there is not pressure for you to attain your goals but rather something that can be checked off. So if your going to loose weight make it a step towards doing so; for instance, don't just say 'I am going to loose weight' say your going to loose ten pounds. It may be small but its a quick and attainable goal so that once you reach it you will continue because you will have felt a sense of accomplishment. But dont just put that down put down the fact that you want to loose 10 pounds try to find things that you would like to do that are fun. For example go to a concert of your choosing, go try that asian restaurant that opened up . These small and little ( as well as quick) goal will be enough to propel you to keep going. For 2016 create a bucket list with at least 10 things you want to do put that one thing you really want to do (i.e loose 10 pounds) and then the following 9 be things that you've always wanted to do but never got the chance to (i.e take a moksha/bikram yoga class). If by the end of the year you manage to compelete all but one you'll feel better and accomplished knowing that you only missed one, rather then just having one and missing that all together.
So why didnt I make one? To be honest i am so over these new year resolution that I couldnt be bothered with doing one. And plus I have more important things now on my plate now that I am a first time mother . All I am going to do is enjoy my time with my little one and watch her grow. Thats how i vision my 2016. With that being said...
HAPPY NEW YEAR all the best to all of you in 2016. May it be filled with love friendship family and sucess.!!!!