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Dear Hip Hop ...

I can’t say that I am a huge Rap fan, mind you, there are always a few songs out there that I will admit will have me shaking my derriere. The one thing that I can say about hip hop, more specifically, rap was that it was a form of expression. It was to express whatever form of oppression, whether it was oppression from the police, politicians or any other forms of oppression. I am sure that when NWA dropped their "fuck the police" many African Americans felt as though their frustration towards law enforcements would be heard. There have been so many artists that used the craft as a form to be the voice and represent for those who cannot find their voice or are too scared.

But when was the last time these Hollywood rappers put out a song that was about social inequality? I seems like the hottest songs are about objectifying women or dissing women. I haven’t heard any quality music lately from Hollywood rappers. Obviously in light of the racial tension going on in the United states with what happened last summer with Mike Brown songs such as Kendrick Lamar’s " the blacker the berry" and J Cole “Be Free”, are definitely songs that show the frustration in the black community..But even at that, many black rappers have chosen to be quiet and have choose not to show any signs of support. I ask myself why? I think this is what puzzles me the most. During the era of segregation many black artist, singers actors etc, always made a point to get involve and encourage the cause to up lift their people. Fast forward to today and only a few have something to say. I am surprised that even loud mouth Kanye was quiet on the issue. I think it bothers me the most because your biggest supporters are your own people. Even though they say that approx 75% of their audience are white, the ones that will always have your back that will continue to cheer you on will be blacks.

The one thing I cannot condone is the way rappers and even some R&B singers put down black women. I don’t even understand why. As a black woman I have enough to deal with, there are statistics out there that state that there are more single black women compared to any other race. I also have to deal with the stereotype and the label of a black women (i.e. we have attitude). So any songs that come out that essentially shit on us don’t help the situation in any way.

Then there is the debate that has been going on for ages, the N-word. As the famous Chris Rock said "I love hip hop but I am tired of defending it". I personally think that the word should be eradicated from hip hop. I get that the word was flipped so that it could be considered a word of empowerment. However I feel like the word has caused more harm than good. Now anyone is using that word especially from the same people in which the word was originated from. I don’t care if they use the word N-I-G-G-A or N-I-G-G-E-R, the word needs to go. I was dumfounded when video footage surfaced of Justin Beiber using the N-word and no one bat an eye. They all made excuses for his behavior, especially black celebrities. I was stunned that they still considered him to be their "homie". How am I supposed to react when someone that is not black approaches me with "wassup my nigga”, and if I get upset how am I supposed to respond when they say "well you say it why can’t I"

I personally think hip hop needs to do better. Stop degrading women (especially black women). Encourage your people and use your power when it comes to social issues in the black community. Moreover, stop pretending you don’t see it or because it doesn’t concern you or it doesn’t affect you, it’s not your problem. At the end of the day this is your problem because it affects your people. If you lose your fame tomorrow you’re in the same boat like the rest of us. The more you choose to ignore the issue the more we see you as a puppet. Last but not least erase the N-word.

You have more power than you have the power to change people’s ways of thinking. Until you realize that power you hold you will never realize your full potential


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