Wedding Season Guest Fashion

Its that time of the year where you frantically go shopping to find the perfect outfit for that wedding you were invited to. For most of you shopping can be a challenge what color do I wear, should I wear print. Don't panick beacuse I will give you the tips and tricks to find that perfect outfit for summer wedding
First things first before we can talk about color or print we need to identify you body shape. There are 7 types of shape
Diamond shape
Triangle shape
Inverted trangle shape
Rectange shape
Hour glass shape
Round shape
Pear shape

Rectangle shape women : The goal is to create a waisteline so when you shop you should look for dress that create that illusion. In addition look for dresses that have a V-neck. Avoid dresses that just give you a box look, therefore a dress that pulls in at the waist and releases at your hip. A great example of rectangle body type is would be Anne Hatheway and Cameron Diaz.
Triangle shapped women/ Pear shapped women: Triangle shapped women have slightly slimimg
upper half and then heavier bottom halves. The tringle shape can also go hand in hand with the pear shape it depends on the individuals weight. Thinner women tend to be triangular whereas women with more weight tend to keep their weight at the bottom half of their boddied and are considered pears. The goal for these two types of women is to draw more attention to the upper half of your body such as your waist or shoulders. Therefore A-line dresses are the best as they focus on the top half
Inverted Triangle shapped women: have wide sholders and narrow hips so like the rectangle

shapped individual we want to create the illusion of a hip with dresses that go in t the narrowest part and then create the illusion of being hippy. The best dress to wear for invert triangle is peplum dresses

Diamond shapped women: For these women you want your dress to go in just beneth the bust . For diamond shapped women a wrap dress that has a V-neck is best for this body type. The goal is to wear dresses that take away from the midsection and keep all focus above your mid section
Round shapped women: Please stay away from dresses that have a built in belt or sash this only draws attention to the mid section and for a lot of round shaped individuals thats the section that we are trying to hide. So for this type of body also suggest A-line dresses with V neck but let the the straps be thick straps that lay just shy of the shoulders
Hour glass shape women: With hours glass women they tend to be busty and hippy therefore the trick is to just essentuate your curves but not draw too much attentention to your bust and your hip/butt . You want to make sure its soft on the eyes. Therefore dresses that goes in at the waist is ideal. For those that have the hour glass shape you can wear dress that have a sash of a belt at the waist as it does wat its intended to. If you are very busty ( like double D's and over) please stay away from strapless dresses since the girls will be very noticable and all the tattention will be on the girls. Tasteful body con dresses are ideal for the hour glass woman.
Do's and Don't
DO's .... since its summer dont be afraid to pick out solid summer colors yellow,orange,coral, pink etc or even floral and print colors keep in mind your body type certain prints can either be to loud or draw attentions to areas that you don't want to draw attention to
DON'T .....unless the bride says otherwise you should never outshine by wearing white
DO.... Accessorize.. have fun with jewelry just remember if you do a bold necklace go small with earings i.e a stud and if you do a bold earing keep the chest bear but then wear a suttle bracelet...remember less is more!
DON'T..... roll up in flip flops at a wedding. I know most of you are all for comfort but there are nice sandals that are not only comfortable but very chic
DON'T .....over do the make up... K.I.S.S ...Keep It Simple Silly.... remember less is more which goes a long way...stay with soft colors that enhace your best facial features
DO.....Play around with diffrent hair style keep in mind where the ceremony and reception will be if its out doors it may be hot so try up-do's or side do's . If your gonna be in an area where the guest will be kept cool then you have the option to keep your hair up, or down.
DON'T wear short dress . Dresses that are way above the knee are a huge no no. Try and stick to dresses that hit at the knee or that hit just a tad bit above the knee.
What ever you do dont forget to have fun. Your celebrating and witnessing a special moment, so make the best of it