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Girls Night/Day out ...on a budget

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Let's be honest after a long week of work all you wanna do is gather your frienda and have fun night. But then you look at your bank account and think about all the bills that you need to pay and whether its really worth blowing your paychecks on bottles in the club. Meanwhile some women are just over the clubbing scene, i mean lets face it are you really in the mood to put on your tightest dress your highest heels and spend hours in the bathroom to perfect your make up to go to the club and sweat your face off and come out of the club looking like a bad case of snooki? And for those that are still in school and are making minimum wage I am sure you dont wanna blow a measly paycheck on alchol at a bar or in a club. There are many alternatives to having a fun night with the girls on a buget. Here are 6 things that you and your friends can do.

1. Games night ...with drinks.. of course!

Have each girl bring their favorite bottle of booze that way it give you all variety of drinks while you all play games. Games like charades can be fun and with alchol in the system it will definatly make for shits and gigles.

Don't want want the typical rhum and coke that you always drink. Are you looking for some fun receipes check out the typsy bartender website for some tasty drinks . You can also find them on youtube.

One of my favorite android games is Heads up . Which is alot like charades the only diffrence is you play in teams and you are time

2. Movie night

Since blockbuster went out of buisness theres only one other option...NETFLIX!! I mean how great is 8 dollars a month for unlimted movies!!! As for food, if you get each girl to bring something then it saves you a bit of money. What we like to do is to make nachoes and popcorn as well as soft drinks....or alchol. So if you get all the the stuff to make the nachoes maybe another one of your friends can provide yhe dip or the softy drinks. Trying to figure out what to watch why not catch up on Netflix's Orange is the New Black. If not a comedy is always good for a night in.

3. 5 à 7

Where i am from we have certain bars and lounges that have designated times were you and your friends ( or cooworkers) can get a good deal on drinks. It's a great way to sit back and enjoy drinks over a nice conversation with friends while maybe having some finger foods and the occassional eye stare at the hottie across the room. On such nice summer days why not enjoy drinks on the terasse? Be sure to do some reserach in your area and find bar and lounges that have a reduce price for drink then gather the girls and go

4. BBQ pot luck

With only a couple more months take advantage of the nice weather. Gather all your girls ( and boys if you want to) and just have a BBQ in the comfort of your backyard. Get everyone to bring something , such as potato salade,macoroni pie etc. If you dont have a big back yard check out your local park. Certain parks allow individuals to bring a portable grill while others have them available on site

5. City events

Through the summer check your city to see any fun events that you and your friends would be intrested in going . In montreal theres the Jazz fest which has many outdoor concert that are free for the public. Every saturday night until the beginning of August the old port host fireworks that also free. Hungry? The First saturtay of each month the olympic stadium host a set of food trucks with food that will leave you wanting more all at a cost that is less then 30$. So be sure to reserch wats going on in your city.

6. Beach/Lake

Do i need to go any further. You your girls , drinks, bikini and hellllooo boys....


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